Manuscript: BL Harley 585

Description (from Gneuss, Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts)

Enlarged Herbarius*, part (Pseudo-Apuleius, Herbarius ; Herbs from Pseudo-Dioscorides, Liber medicinae ex herbis femininis and Curae herbarum) ; Medicina de quadrupedibus* (De taxone liber ; Treatise on mulberry tree ; part of Sextus Placitus, Liber medicinae ex animalibus) ; Lacnunga* (medical recipes, prayers, charms ; some in Latin and Irish), including Lorica of Laidcenn° (SK 15745) and Dies Ægyptiaci* : s. x/xi and s. xi1. FC : ASM 1, pp. 28--35.

Current location

British Library
Town or City
Harley 585

Other information

Catalogue Numbers
G. 421
K. 231

Gneuss, Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts (G. 421)

Enlarged Herbarius*, part (Pseudo-Apuleius, Herbarius ; Herbs from Pseudo-Dioscorides, Liber medicinae ex herbis femininis and Curae herbarum) ; Medicina de quadrupedibus* (De taxone liber ; Treatise on mulberry tree ; part of Sextus Placitus, Liber medicinae ex animalibus) ; Lacnunga* (medical recipes, prayers, charms ; some in Latin and Irish), including Lorica of Laidcenn° (SK 15745) and Dies Ægyptiaci* : s. x/xi and s. xi1. FC : ASM 1, pp. 28--35.

DigiPal Project

Ker: Table of chapters added to the Herbarius* in s. xi1. The Lacnunga* 'originally ended at f. 179/10: the rest ... is an addition, s. xi1.