Charter: BL Harley Ch. 43.C.7

Description (from Electronic Saywer)

Bond 1878, p. 7, contemporary; Grundy, Oxon., pp. 26-7, bounds describe modern parish of Cuxham with Easington; PN Oxon., i. 1, 16, 87, 122, 125, 126, 152; Sisam 1953, p. 158 n. 3, nearly contemporary copy rather than original; Ker, Catalogue, p. xxi, on script; Gelling, ECTV, no. 285, original, bounds probably cover only southern half of modern parish of Cuxham, i.e. Cuxham itself; Whitelock, EHD, p. 569, original; Keynes 1980, p. 124, on formulation and relationship with S 882, p. 252, witness-list must be earlier than 28 Oct. 994 ; Blair 1994, pp. 78, 133, cited.

Current location

British Library
Town or City
Harley Ch. 43.C.7

Other information

Catalogue Numbers
S. 1379

Electronic Saywer (S. 1379)

Bond 1878, p. 7, contemporary; Grundy, Oxon., pp. 26-7, bounds describe modern parish of Cuxham with Easington; PN Oxon., i. 1, 16, 87, 122, 125, 126, 152; Sisam 1953, p. 158 n. 3, nearly contemporary copy rather than original; Ker, Catalogue, p. xxi, on script; Gelling, ECTV, no. 285, original, bounds probably cover only southern half of modern parish of Cuxham, i.e. Cuxham itself; Whitelock, EHD, p. 569, original; Keynes 1980, p. 124, on formulation and relationship with S 882, p. 252, witness-list must be earlier than 28 Oct. 994 ; Blair 1994, pp. 78, 133, cited.

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