Charter: BL Harley Ch. 43.C.5

Description (from Electronic Saywer)

Bond 1878, p. 7, doubtful if MS 1 is contemporary; Grundy, Oxon., pp. 39-42, on bounds; PN Oxon., i. 11, 49, 50-1, 72, ii. 487, on bounds; Whitelock 1959, p. 78, contemporary; HRH, p. 230, original, subscriptions are consistent; Gelling, ECTV, no. 277, original, bounds describe modern parish of Crowmarsh, which includes Newnham Murren, corrects details of Grundy's interpretation; Keynes 1980, p. 11 n. 17, pp. 77-9, 'Edgar A' formulation; Baines 1983, p. 110; Blair 1994, pp. 78, 125-6; cf. S 1484

Current location

British Library
Town or City
Harley Ch. 43.C.5

Other information

Catalogue Numbers
S. 738

Electronic Saywer (S. 738)

Bond 1878, p. 7, doubtful if MS 1 is contemporary; Grundy, Oxon., pp. 39-42, on bounds; PN Oxon., i. 11, 49, 50-1, 72, ii. 487, on bounds; Whitelock 1959, p. 78, contemporary; HRH, p. 230, original, subscriptions are consistent; Gelling, ECTV, no. 277, original, bounds describe modern parish of Crowmarsh, which includes Newnham Murren, corrects details of Grundy's interpretation; Keynes 1980, p. 11 n. 17, pp. 77-9, 'Edgar A' formulation; Baines 1983, p. 110; Blair 1994, pp. 78, 125-6; cf. S 1484

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