Manuscript: BnF latin 943

Description (from Gneuss, Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts)

Letter from Pope John XII to Dunstan ; Pontifical ; Benedictional; Prologue to Poenitentiale Egberti ; First Capitulary of Gerbald of Liège ; Forms of absolution: s. x3/4 (after 959), prob. CaCC.

Additions : List of bishops of Sherborne ; Letter to Bishop Wulsige III of Sherborne ; Two homilies for the Dedication of a church* (one by Ælfric) ; Rules of confraternity* and Formula-letter announcing the death of a monk; Part of Mass of the Dead ; Two penitential letters ; Writ by Bishop Æthelric of Sherborne* : s. x/xi -- xi1, Sherborne.

Prov. whole MS Sherborne by s. x/xi, France s. xi2. FC: Prescott (1987), pp. 141--147, for benedictions.

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Bibliothèque Nationale
Town or City
latin 943

Other information

Sherborne Pontifical
Catalogue Numbers
G. 879
K. 364
CaCC (dubitable)

Gneuss, Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts (G. 879)

Letter from Pope John XII to Dunstan ; Pontifical ; Benedictional; Prologue to Poenitentiale Egberti ; First Capitulary of Gerbald of Liège ; Forms of absolution: s. x3/4 (after 959), prob. CaCC.

Additions : List of bishops of Sherborne ; Letter to Bishop Wulsige III of Sherborne ; Two homilies for the Dedication of a church* (one by Ælfric) ; Rules of confraternity* and Formula-letter announcing the death of a monk; Part of Mass of the Dead ; Two penitential letters ; Writ by Bishop Æthelric of Sherborne* : s. x/xi -- xi1, Sherborne.

Prov. whole MS Sherborne by s. x/xi, France s. xi2. FC: Prescott (1987), pp. 141--147, for benedictions.

DigiPal Project

Temple: Dates whole MS to s. x4/4, and (?) CaCC. 'The pontifical was dated by Wormald c. 992--5; but it is possibly earlier, before 988 (?) since its decoration is unaffected by the influence of the Utrecht Psalter'. Sherbourne prov. prob. by 1001x1009 (list of bishops on f.1 ends w/ Æthelric), and prob. not earlier than s. xi in, 'since a hortatory letter (f. 2) in a hand close to the original one is addressed by an unnamed archbishop, probably Ælfric of Canterbury (995--1005) to Wulfsin, bishop of Sherbourne (992--1001).'

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BnF latin 943: 157v 157v
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BnF latin 943: 163v 163v
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BnF latin 943: 165r 165r
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BnF latin 943: 170r 170r
0 Annotations 1 Hand
BnF latin 943: 170v 170v