Hand: Main Hand, Chichester RO Cap. I/17/1

Main Hand
Chichester RO Cap. I/17/1
Saec. x/xi

Stokes, English Vernacular Script, ca 990–ca 1035, Vol. 2 (PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2006)

The Latin script in this document is imitative and appears to be based on a model from the eighth century. The scribe used Insular letter-forms throughout with features include underslung a, open-topped a, pendent i after t, a turned-up toe of t, and imitative capitals. The scribe also wrote ‑at with open-headed a, and the rightmost curve of the a connects directly to t, looking almost like closed loop to left of t which appears in Beneventan and Visigothic minuscules. There is no indication of Caroline influence in the Latin script, except perhaps for single-compartment a which could equally be imitative. In contrast, the boundary-clause is not at all imitative: the proportions and aspect are similar to the Edwardian writs, although earlier features such as round s and flat-topped a are also found. Ascenders are moderately tall, are equal or slightly longer than cue-height, and have small wedges or are tapering. Descenders are relatively short and can be tapering or straight. Minims have and fairly large horizontal feet and small wedges which approach approach-strokes; the down-stroke itself is somewhat curved. A fairly round single-compartment a is found, as is a horned form with a very flat top, although this top can be slightly angled and can be joined to preceding g. The tongue of æ is usually at cue-height with a small loop to form e-component, and a large bulging ligature is also found with a following minim or descender. Horned c and e appear throughout, and the latter can also be ligatured in the same way as æ. The back of d is straight and angled at about 30–40°, and the tongue of f is straight and flat. The tail of g is round, closed, and relatively small, and the mid-section hangs from slightly to the right of centre but bulges quickly to left before curving back to the right. The shoulders of h, m, n, and r are quite rounded, branching from below cue-height, and can be slightly bulging. Roughly square proportions were used for o. Round s is the most common form, even before t, although two examples of low s and one of the long form also appear. Low s has a long curved hook branching from below cue-height, and long s is found once (swa, line 11). The structure of ð is much like d, and the cross-stroke is long, thin, hooked down on the right, and does not pass through the back. Straight-limbed, dotted y appears throughout, the tail of which is hooked rightwards at the tip. The top of 7 is flat, and the down-stroke is roughly vertical.

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