Hand: Corrections 1 (ær þam, 1v9; min heafod adune astreccað, 1v16), Copenhagen, RAP 637–659, 661, 669–671, 674–698

Corrections 1 (ær þam, 1v9; min heafod adune astreccað, 1v16)
Copenhagen, RAP 637–659, 661, 669–671, 674–698
Saec. xi

Stokes, English Vernacular Script, ca 990–ca 1035, Vol. 2 (PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2006)

Although most corrections are very short and probably written by the main scribes, three corrections are certainly later. The first two were written by one scribe and show short ascenders with prominent wedges, and short straight descenders. Minims have small wedges and very small or no feet. The back of a is vertical and the letter is semi-Caroline or Caroline. Round æ was used, the letter forming a tall ligature with following r. Round c was used, and the back of d is straight and angled at about 20°. The back of e is close to vertical, the tongue is straight and rising, the lower curve is short, and the hook is wide and slightly open at the top. The tongue of f is on the base-line, and the hook reaches slightly above cue-height. The shoulders of h, m, n, and r are somewhat angular and the down-strokes are straight and vertical. Tall s is found before t. The scribe seemed to follow the conventional distinction between þ and ð. The back of ð is slightly concave, and the through-stroke is high and hooked down on the right.

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