Hand: Hand 2 (fols. 140–53), Brussels, BR 8558–8563 (2498), fols. 132–153

Hand 2 (fols. 140–53)
Brussels, BR 8558–8563 (2498), fols. 132–153
Saec. xi1

Stokes, English Vernacular Script, ca 990–ca 1035, Vol. 2 (PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2006)

This hand is very rounded and was influenced in proprotions and aspect by Anglo-Caroline; it is also not unlike S.1394-1 and S.1399-1 in aspect. Ascenders are similar length to or longer than minims and have wedges with fairly flat but slightly split tops. Descenders are straight and about the length of minims. Minims themselves have wedges or approach-strokes and horizontal feet. Round and semi-Caroline a are both found, and a more or less Caroline form was also used on occasion. The same round form was used for æ, the tongue of which is straight and rising, and the hook is rounded and never tall. Round c was used throughout. The body of d is very round and the back long and fairly flat but slightly concave up. Round e was used throughout, the tongue and hook like those of æ. The tongue of f is very flat and extends slightly beyond the down-stroke. The top of g is flat, the mid-section very round, and the tail closed in a large, round loop. Caroline g is also found (gode, 146r14). The lower branch of k curves up slightly at the base-line, the upper branch loops back around to the left, and the down-stroke has a horizontal finial on the base-line. The shoulders of h, m, and n are not especially angular, but r can be. Tall and low s were used most often, although round s is also found after punctus then 7 (. 7s-), and once in mæssan (145r15). The hook of low s can reach just above cue-height and extend over the following letter, and tall s normally forms a narrow ligature with following t. The scribe preferred ð slightly over þ (ðreo, ða, but also monþa). The back of ð is long, very straight, but turned up very slightly at the tip; the angle varies from about 30° to about 60°, and the through-stroke is hooked down on the right. Bilinear x is found, the lower branches hooked up and the upper branches curved down. Straight-limbed dotted y was used, the right branch of which is hooked left. The top of 7 is concave up and the down-stroke is straight.

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