Hand: Glosses (mostly on fol. 20), BAV Reg.lat.204

Glosses (mostly on fol. 20)
BAV Reg.lat.204
Saec. xi in.

Stokes, English Vernacular Script, ca 990–ca 1035, Vol. 2 (PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2006)

These glosses show long ascenders and descenders but the script is not narrow. The hand is somewhat rounded, has much pen-lift, and is neat and clear. Ascenders can be wedged, slightly split, or lack decoration. Descendesr are straight and can turn left or have angled finials. Flat-topped a is normal but a round form is also found (both times in underscada, 8v). A wide but essentially teardrop-shaped æ is found, the tongue of which is straight and rising and the hook rounded and sometimes slightly above cue-height but never tall. Round c and e are found, and the tongue and hook of the latter are like those of æ. The back of d is round, short, and bilinear, although Caroline d is also found three times (gescynde, underscada, both on 8v). The tongue of f can be flat, straight and rising, or concave-up. The top of g can be flat or ~-shaped, and the mid-section is angular, either vertical or angled down and left, and turns sharply right before swinging around in a fairly wide open tail which turns up at the tip. The minims of h, m, and n are fairly straight, and r is quite angular and is once Caroline (underscada, 8v). Tall, essentially Caroline s was used in and underscada (5r and 8v), but round s is also found (swælende, 24r). Both þ and ð were used with little clear distinction (onfæþme, 20v, but onðære, 20r). The back of ð is long, fairly straight, and angled at about 45°, and the through-stroke is long but lacks a hook. Round, nearly bilinear y was used, both with and without the dot.

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