Hand: Scribble 1 (her ic let, 92v), Salisbury 173

Scribble 1 (her ic let, 92v)
Salisbury 173
Saec. xi

Stokes, English Vernacular Script, ca 990–ca 1035, Vol. 2 (PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2006)

The first scribble was very roughly written in the left margin and slants markedly up. Ascenders are straight, about minim-length, and lack decoration. The descender is slightly longer and turns left at the tip. Round c and e were used, and the hook of e reaches slightly above cue-height but is never tall. The shoulder of r is somewhat angular. The second scribble was written with little pen-lift and little shading. The ascender is short but wedged, and the descender is longer and straight. Round e was used with a fairly horizontal tongue at cue-height. The left side of æ is fairly vertical and the back angled; the tongue is horizontal and just below cue-height, and the hook rises slightly above cue-height. A rounded approach-stroke is found on m, the first shoulder of which was written with almost no pen-lift, and the down-strokes lack feet. Caroline r was used. The third scribble is quite faint and difficult to read. It was written with a fairly flat pen and in a somewhat angular hand. Ascenders are straight, lack decoration, and are longer than minims. Descenders are also straight. Flat-topped a was used, as was round e with a straight rising tongue and a squinting eye. The back of d is of medium length, is straight, and is angled at about 50–60°. The shoulders of m are angular and the minims straight. Tall s was used; it stands on the base-line and has a very angular hook.

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