Charter: BL Cotton Ch. viii.38

Description (from Electronic Saywer)

Bond 1878, p. 7, 11th century; Darlington 1955, pp. 68, 84; Whitelock, Wills, pp. 108-14, may be a copy; PN Oxon., ii. 391; Aston 1858, p. 71, on tenurial implications; Finberg, ECW, no. 71, authentic; Finberg 1972, pp. 474, 498, 509-10; PN Berks., ii. 356-7, 375, 470; Gelling, ECTV, no. 59 (pp. 41, 129), authentic; Owen 1979; Rumble 1984, pp. 50-1, on name-forms; Golden Age, pp. 148-9 (no. 151), 11th-century copy; PN Dorset, iii. 139; Hooke 1991-2, p. 83, on Faccombe; Dumville 1994, p. 146 n. 75, script not mid 10th-century, suggested date c. 950 is speculative and too early; Pelteret 1995, pp. 126-9, 288; Faith 1997, p. 81.

Current location

British Library
Town or City
Cotton Ch. viii.38

Other information

Catalogue Numbers
S. 1539
s. x or xi

Electronic Saywer (S. 1539)

Bond 1878, p. 7, 11th century; Darlington 1955, pp. 68, 84; Whitelock, Wills, pp. 108-14, may be a copy; PN Oxon., ii. 391; Aston 1858, p. 71, on tenurial implications; Finberg, ECW, no. 71, authentic; Finberg 1972, pp. 474, 498, 509-10; PN Berks., ii. 356-7, 375, 470; Gelling, ECTV, no. 59 (pp. 41, 129), authentic; Owen 1979; Rumble 1984, pp. 50-1, on name-forms; Golden Age, pp. 148-9 (no. 151), 11th-century copy; PN Dorset, iii. 139; Hooke 1991-2, p. 83, on Faccombe; Dumville 1994, p. 146 n. 75, script not mid 10th-century, suggested date c. 950 is speculative and too early; Pelteret 1995, pp. 126-9, 288; Faith 1997, p. 81.

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