Charter: Canterbury Chart. Ant. C.204

Description (from Pelteret, Catalogue of English Post-Conquest Vernacular Documents)

A.D. ? 1070. Writ of King William I ... in the shires where Lanfranc archbishop (of Canterbury), and the community of Christ Church, Canterbury ... have lands, declaring that they are to have their legal powers just as they did under his kinsman, King Edward.

Current location

Cathedral Library and Archives
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Chart. Ant. C.204

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Catalogue Numbers
saec. xiii (after 1235x36)

Pelteret, Catalogue of English Post-Conquest Vernacular Documents

A.D. ? 1070. Writ of King William I ... in the shires where Lanfranc archbishop (of Canterbury), and the community of Christ Church, Canterbury ... have lands, declaring that they are to have their legal powers just as they did under his kinsman, King Edward.

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