Hand: Eighty-one Glosses (fols. 1v, 2r), Edinburgh, Advocates Advocates 18/07/07

Eighty-one Glosses (fols. 1v, 2r)
Edinburgh, Advocates Advocates 18/07/07
Saec. xi

Stokes, English Vernacular Script, ca 990–ca 1035, Vol. 2 (PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2006)

Although the secondary glosses on these leaves vary quite a bit, Ker thought they were written by the same scribe.Ker, Catalogue, p. 150 (no. 111). They were often written in a small script with a medium-width pen, but the pen can also be thicker or thinner. The thick pen was used for marginal glossing, and the glosses written with the thinner pen tend to be backward-leaning, to have prominent wedges, and to have more Caroline letter-forms. The glosses written with the medium-width pen do not have wedges but have long, slightly clubbed ascenders; the Latin glosses were written with this pen and are distinguished from Old English by script. Descenders are straight, and minims usually have small wedges and horizontal feet but can have approach-strokes or nothing on top, and can also lack feet. Teardrop-shaped a was used throughout, the back of which is slightly convex. The same form was used for æ, the hook of which is fairly high and rounded, and the tongue more or less horizontal; the hook can rise above cue-height in a low ligature, and the a-component can sometimes be flat. The back of d is long, angled at about 45°, and is normally fairly straight but can be concave down or vertical-tipped. Both horned and round e are found, the hooks of which are rounded, and the tongues are long, start at mid-height, and are rising. Both Insular and Caroline f are found, and the tongues of both are flat and of medium length. The top of g is flat, the mid-section is vertical and hangs from the centre, and the tail curves back down and left at about 45° and is either straight or hooked up slightly at the tip. Caroline and Insular h were both used and both have very little pen-lift. The shoulders of h, m, n, and r can be fairly angular but are not always so. Low and long s were both used with little distinction. A narrow Caroline s+t ligature is also found, the s-component sometimes descending below the base-line but somtimes with a foot standing firmly on the line. Little distinction is evident between þ and ð (forliþnesse, þolian, hweðer, ðe). The back of ð is long, thin, and vertical-tipped, and the cross-stroke is short, quite high, and quite thin. Straight-limbed undotted y was used without anly hooked limbs.

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